ExoMol ------ Step 1, Species Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The HELIOS-K repository provides a file called ``Exomol_species.dat``. This file contains all available species from the ExoMol database. The file format is: ``Molecule name , Isotopologue name, Full name, path on exomol.com, range of *.trans files, number of *.trans files, number of digits in *.trans file ranges.`` The full name of the species contains the isotopologue and the line list name. This full name should be used when as species name for the opacity calculation, e.g. ``1H2-16O__BT2``. The ``Exomol_species.dat`` file can be recreated or updated by running: :: python3 exomol2.py Step 2, Download the files and create the ``.param`` file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ExoMol files can be downloaded with the a python script as: :: python3 exomol.py -M where ```` is the full species name e.g. ``1H2-16O__BT2``. The script needs the file ``Exomol_species.dat`` to be availalbe. If this file needs to be updated, it can be done by running ``python3 exomol2.py``. The ``exomol.py`` script automatically writes the ``.param`` files for each molecule. Step 3, create the binary files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The downloaded line list files must be pre-processed into binary files with the following code: :: ./prepareExomol -M < id > where < id > is the full species name, e.g. ``1H2-16O__BT2``. After this step, the ``*.trans`` and ``*.states`` files from ExoMol can be deleted. Step 4, data path ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Include the path of the directory, which contains the obtained binary files, the ``*.pf``\ file and the ``*.param`` file to the HELIOS-K ``param.dat`` file under ``pathToData``.