Using HELIOS-K ============== Before HELIOS-K can be used, the molecular or atomic line-lists must be downloaded and pre-processed. HELIOS-K provides some scripts for that, which are described in the previous section. All necessary parameters for HELIOS-K are set in the file ``param.dat``, which is described next. Some parameters can also be set by console arguments. HELIOS-K can be started with :: ./heliosk followed by optional console arguments, which are listed later. HELIOS-K Input parameters ------------------------- The input parameters can be specified in the ``param.dat`` file. The used parameters are listed here, the order can not be changed. - name: This name will appear in the output filenames. - T: Temperature in Kelvin - P: Pressure in standard atmospheres atm (1atm = 1.01325 bar, 1bar = 0.98692367 atm, see - PFile: A '-' ignores this option, otherwise this option specifies a filename which contains multiple values for P. - Species Name: The name of the molecular or atomic param file. e.g. 01_hit16 or 1H2-16O__BT2. - SpeciesFile: A '-' ignores this option, otherwise this option specifies a filename which contains multiple species for gas mixtures. - ciaSystem: A '-' ignores this option, otherwise a cia system is read here. supported are H2-H2, H2-H2_eq, H2_H2_norm, H2-He, H2-He_eq, H2-He_norm, H2-CH4_eq, H2-CH4_norm and H2-H. - pathToData: The location where the HITRAN or HITEMP data files are located, e.g. pathToData = ../HITEMP/ , pathToData = /data/HITEMP/ or empty when the files are in the same directory pathToData = - numin: minimum wavenumber in 1/cm - numax: maximum wavenumber in 1/cm - dnu: spatial resolution in wavenumber in 1/cm - Nnu per bin: The number of points in wavenumbers nu per bin. - 0; Nnu is ignored and dnu is used - otherwise, dnu is overwritten. - cutMode: Set the voigt profile cutting mode: - 0: cut at absolute wavenumbers - 1: cut at multiple values of Lorentz half widths - 2: cut at multiple values of Doppler half widths - cut: value where to cut the line wings, according to the cutMode, if cut = 0, then no cutting is performed. - doResampling: - 0: no resampling is done. - 1: all the sorted opacity functions per bin are resampled with a Chebyshev polynomial, and the coefficients from all bins are written to the file ``Out__cbin.dat``. - 2: all the sorted opacity functions per bin are resampled with a Chebyshev polynomial, and the coefficients from each bin are written to a sepparate file ``Out__cbin.dat``. - nC: Number of Chebyshev coefficients use for the resampling. - doTransmission: Compute the transmission function tau for a set of column masses m. - 0: no transmission function is calculated. - 1: the transmission function per bin is calculated, and all bins are written to the file ``Out__tr.dat``. - 2: the transmission function per bin is calculated, and each bin is written to a sepparate file ``Out__tr.dat``. - nTr: nummber of points used for the transmission function. - dTr: spacing of the points used for the transmission function in exp space: m_i = exp((i - nTr/2) \* dTr) - doStoreFullK: - 0: the opacity functions is not written to a file. - 1: the full unsorted opacity function is written to the text file ``Out_.dat``. - 2: the full unsorted opacity function is written to the binary file ``Out_.bin``. - -1: the opacity functions is not calculated, but read in from a text file. The name of the file is specified in the next argument. - -2: the opacity function is nor calculated, but read in from a binary file. The name of the file is specified in the next argument. - pathToK: path and filename to read in an opacity function. When left blank, then no file is read in. - doStoreSK: - 0: the resampled opacity function is not written to a file. - 1: all bins from the resampled opacity function are written to the same file ``Out__bin.dat``. - 2: all bins from the resampled opacity function are written to a sepparate file with names ``Out__bin.dat``. - nbins: number of bins - binsfile: A '-' ignores this option, otherwise this option specifies a filename which contains the edges of the bins, which can be irregular. This option overrides the numin, numax and nbins arguments. - OutputEdgesFile: A '-' ignores this option, otherwise this option specifies a file name which contains the edges of the output locations in y for each bin. - kmin: minimal value for the opacity function - qalphaL: q value in the Lorentzian half width q = Pself / P - gammaF: scaling factor for the Lorentzian half width gamma factor, gamma = gamma \* gammaF - doMean: - 0: nothing is done here. - 1: Calculate the Planck and Rosseland opacity means. - Units: The units of the opacities. - 0: cm^2 / g, - 1: cm^2 / molecule - ReplaceFile: - 1: all existing output files are overwritten. - 0: the data is appended to the existing files. - profile: - 1: Voigt - 2: Lorentzian - 3: Gaussian - 4: Integrated Binned Gaussian - subLorentzianfile: A '-' ignores this option, otherwise this option specifies a file name which contains the chi factor parameters for sub-Lorentzian CO2 profiles. - removePlinth: - 0: nothing is done here - 1: the plinth (base) is removed from cutted line profiles - doTuning: - 0: nothing is done here - 1: use self tuning routines to specify the best kernel parameters. Console Arguments ----------------- Instead of using the parameter file, some arguments can also be set by console arguments. The console arguments have the highest priority and are overwriting the arguments of the ``param.dat`` file. The options are: - -name ````: name - -T ```` : T - -P ```` : P - -M ```` : Molecule Name - -path ```` : pathToData - -pathK ```` : pathToK - -numin ```` : numin - -numax ```` : numax - -dnu ```` : dnu - -cutM ```` : cutMode - -cut ```` : cut - -dR ```` : doResampling - -nC ```` : nC - -dT ```` : doTRansmission - -nTr ```` : nTr - -dTr ```` : dTr - -dSF ```` : doStoreFullK - -dSS ```` : doStoreSK - -nbins ```` : nbins - -kmin ```` : kmin - -dev ```` : Device number (For multiple GPU systems) - -q ```` : qalphaL - -gammaF ```` : gammaF - -Mean ```` : doMean - -tuning ```` : doTuning where ````\ is a string, ```` a floating point number, and ````\ an integer. Code parameters --------------- The file define.h contains the physical parameters and some code parameters. After changing some entry here, the code needs to be recompiled. The code parameters are: - def_TOL: Tolerance parameter in the Voigt function. See Algorithm 916 - def_nthmax: Maximum number of threads per kernel launch. In 2.0 GPUs it can not be larger than 32768. - def_nlmax: Maximum number of molecular lines per kernel launch. Setting a lower number prevents from a time-out on Desktop machines. - def_maxlines: Maximum number of lines stored on the GPU. - def_maxfiles: Maximum number of files per molecule. - def_NmaxSample: Maximum Number of resample coefficients for K(y) When using a Desktop GPU running an x session, the runtime of a single kernel launch can be limited to a few seconds. Choosing smaller values for nlmax and nthmax splits the kernel into smaller parts. But it makes the code a bit slower.