Planck and Rosseland Means ========================== .. _mean: With the ``doMean`` option in the ``param.dat`` file, the Plank and Rosseland means, :math:`\kappa_P` and :math:`\kappa_R` respectively: .. math:: :label: eq_a \kappa_P = \frac{\int_0^\infty \kappa B_{\nu}(T) d\nu}{\int_0^\infty B_{\nu}(T) d\nu}, and .. math:: :label: eq_b \kappa_R = \left( \frac{\int_0^\infty \kappa^{-1} \frac{\partial B_{\nu}(T)}{\partial T} d\nu} {\int_0^\infty \frac{\partial B_{\nu}(T)}{\partial T} d\nu} \right)^{-1} can be calculated, where the infinity integral is truncated to the specified wavenumber limits, and :math:`d\nu` is equal to ``dnu`` set in the ``param.dat`` file. Note that the denominators in :math:`\kappa_P` and :math:`\kappa_R` can be computed analytically as .. math:: :label: eq_0 \int_0^\infty B_{\nu}(T) d\nu = \frac{\sigma T^4} {\pi} and .. math:: :label: eq_1 \int_0^\infty \frac{\partial(B_{\nu}(T))}{ \partial (T)} d\nu = \frac{4 \sigma T^3} {\pi}. Therefor, it is usefull to compare those analytic results to the numerical integration .. math:: :label: eq_2 \int_0^\infty B_{\nu}(T) d\nu = \sum_i B_{\nu}(T) dnu and .. math:: :label: eq_3 \int_0^\infty \frac{\partial(B_{\nu}(T))}{ \partial (T)} d\nu = \sum_i \frac{\partial(B_{\nu}(T))}{ \partial (T)} dnu The results of the Planck and Resseland means are stored in the file ``Out_mean.dat``, together with the analytic and numerical expressions :eq:`eq_0` to :eq:`eq_3`. If the numerical expressions deviate strongly from the analytical expression, then it is a hint that the wavenumber resolution is not set fine enough. An example of the Planck and Rosseland means is shown in :numref:`figmean`. | Relevant parameters for this example: - doStoreFullK = 1 - doMean = 1 .. figure:: ../../plots/p007/plot001.png :name: figmean Planck and Rosseland means