Kurucz Database

Step 1, Download the files

The needed files can be downloaded with the following command:

python3 Kurucz3.py -D 1 -Z <z> -I <i>

where <z>is the atomic number and <i>the ionization state

  • D 1, means to download the file gfallwn08oct17.dat and all available partition function files.

  • D 2, means to download only the partition function files.

  • D 0, means no download from the Kurucz website.

  • Z i, means to use species with atomic number Z = i.

  • Z -1, means to use all species.

  • I j, means to use ionisation state j, where 0 are neutral atoms.

  • I -1, means to use ionisation states 0, 1 and 2.

If the source file gfallwn08oct17.dat should be changed, then the script Kurucz3.py and Kurucz4.py

must be modified.

This step writes a file gfnew<Z><I>.dat containing the line list data.

Step 2, Correct isotope fractions

The file gfallwn08oct17.dat contains some incorrect isopte fractions for hyperfine splitted lines. This can be corrected with:

python3 KuruczHyper.py -Z <z> -I <i>

This wrtie a new file gfnewCorr<Z><I>.dat with the corrected data.

Step 3, calculate natural broadening and create the binary files and < species >.param files

python3 Kurucz4.py -Z <z> -I <i>

This step creates the < species >.param and the *.bin files. It also calculates missing natural broadening coefficients. This can take a while to complete.

Step 4, data path

Include the path of the directory, which contains the obtained binary files, the *.pf partition function files and the *.param file to the HELIOS-K param.dat file under pathToData.